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Fix your SLOW Origin Games download speeds – UPDATED

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UPDATE 2023.10.13 - This post is here just for history's sake as Origin is basically deprecated at this point in time. It's always nice to keep history though. 😉

UPDATE 2021.08.20 – This is a non-issue for me anymore although now I personally use EA Desktop with the Xbox Game Pass for PC. I have Origin installed but have not used it directly anymore since.


Origin can be a bit sluggish at times. But we have to live with it no matter what (for now maybe? who knows).

Recently I was downloading the latest patch for Apex Legends. But when I saw my client downloading @ 2.5 MB/s on a 70 Mbps connection, I got intrigued to say the least.

This is a start

I started this little site to document little snippets I use regularly so I don't loose them. I figured it would be a good thing to share them with the world!